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JA DEEP, JA Africa's first program offering in its virtual skills lab, is an online-based interactive entrepreneurship curriculum, created specifically for young African learners, including those who live in countries or go to schools where JA is not present. JA DEEP builds on JA’s existing entrepreneurship programs (JA Company Program and JA ITS TYME) in an online format that teaches the same principles in an engaging and fun way.

The program allows you (the learner) the opportunity to experience the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship by walking you through how to start and operate a business that fills a need or solves a problem in your communities. You will have the opportunity to put theory into practice from idea generation, product development, capitalization of the venture, marketing and sales strategy development and financial reporting, while being supported with digital or in-person mentorship from a JA corporate volunteer.

You can complete JA DEEP at your own pace but can expect to have an average of 8 contact hours with the content.

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Available courses


The following self-assessment is meant to determine your knowledge of entrepreneurship and business as of this moment. You do not need to do research to complete this assessment.

2 Lessons

In this module, you will focus on your motivation for taking this course. You will form an entrepreneurial mindset by challenging the myth that entrepreneurs are born. At the end of the module, you will know that success has no perfect time.

8 Lessons

There are several myths surrounding the entrepreneurship journey. This module is designed to help you expand your knowledge about business failure and learn the true causes of why businesses fail and you will find information about how much risk is involved in business.

8 Lessons

Entrepreneurs see the world differently. In this module, you will go through a process to create business ideas. You will learn to sharpen your mind and see the world through entrepreneurial eyes. You will reflect on your passions and use these to solve problems around you.

9 Lessons

This module prepares you to gain deeper knowledge about the competition and suppliers in your industry. You will analyse the risks of different businesses in different industries. You will also get a deep understanding of your customers while being guided on how to stop wasting time on bad business ideas and instead test your ideas first. 

8 Lessons

Customers are key to a successful business. Your business will communicate to customers in many different ways. This module prepares you to communicate your business to your customers and to deeply understand their needs.

9 Lessons

This module focuses on developing the financial habits, skills and innovative thinking required to fund your business.

8 Lessons

Welcome to Module 7! In this module, you will learn about financing. The module is designed to help you understand how financial institutions judge potential loan applicants and to give you an idea of the type of resources available to entrepreneurs.

7 Lessons

Congratulations! You are on the final module of your learning experience. Module 8 includes lessons on business functions and skills. You will learn about negotiation and taking social responsibility. You will also learn about business registration and fundamental record keeping.

7 Lessons

This is a final Knowledge assessment after taking the JA-DEEP.

2 Lessons
7 Lessons
5 Lessons

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